You donate 137 times with total amount 4.046,27€




Latest 5 donations!

# Donor Country Amount donated
1 Mark Bungart United States 25,00€
2 Sven Kubik Germany 100,00€
3 Mark Bungart United States 25,00€
4 Sven Lisjak Croatia 15,00€
5 Thomas Maguire United States 50,00€

Top 10 donators!

# Donor Country Number of donations Amount donated
1 Anonymous Croatia 17 1.910,00€
2 Jure Zalar Slovenia 27 299,00€
3 Anonymous Slovenia 8 230,00€
4 Anonymous Germany 2 220,00€
5 Predrag Augustinovic Croatia 7 120,00€
6 Anonymous United States 1 120,00€
7 Sven Kubik Germany 1 100,00€
8 Sven Kubik Germany 1 100,00€
9 Mikko Kurikka Finland 5 95,00€
10 Mark Bungart United States 4 79,16€

Click to see all donators

Top 5 donating countries!

# Country Contribution Number of donations Lowest Average Highest Total
1 Croatia Croatia 53% 34 3,00€ 63,03€ 1.000,00€ 2.143,00€
2 Slovenia Slovenia 13% 35 1,00€ 15,11€ 120,00€ 529,00€
3 Germany Germany 12% 9 3,00€ 53,44€ 200,00€ 481,00€
4 United States United States 8% 8 9,16€ 40,65€ 120,00€ 325,16€
5 Finland Finland 2% 5 12,00€ 19,00€ 21,00€ 95,00€





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